Recent blog posts
My focus is on apophasis, the rhetoric of denial and negation, which since classical times has been a means of using language to deal with what lies beyond language.
This paper uses a Calvino-inspired creativecritical approach toward archival research to explore potential “versos” in archived text.
In this creativecritical essay, I argue that spatiality in language is a key principle of creativecritical writing.
Through a reading of Gerald Murnane’s A Million Windows (2014), I propose a model for how a critic might read from within a literary text.
This article takes up Ann Cvetkovitch’s desire for a mode “beyond” the predictable to argue that creativecritical writing might be better understood as a methodology than as a genre.
“We are making a boat, love” is a bookish multimodal experiment-in-the-making that works with/into/because Ania Walwicz’s Boat (1989) and as an exemplar of Eades’s écriture matière (2015).
This article explores the experiences of three instructors of “Thinking Writing: Theory and Creativity” (postgraduate course, University of Melbourne) to unpack the issues in being critical theorists and creative writers.
This creativecritical piece focuses on my relationship with Artaud, a rescue Kelpie I taught to bark, and in particular on transference love which, for Lacan, is predicated upon knowledge.
Exploring creativecritical writing as “arts of living”, this essay addresses life writings that reflect a vibrant more-than-human relationship: the topic of gardens and gardening.
This creativecritical essay investigates the author’s object-oriented mania and her anticipatory relationship to “happy objects” through the lens of obsessive-compulsive disorder, inheritance, hoarding, and the empty promise of capitalism.
This article is a fictocritical examination of current research in/with/for the Nightcap National Park, performing the value of the form for the study of place and its place beings.