All Articles tagged margin
Special issues: editorial
February 05, 2025 AEST An editorial introduction to "Writing from the Fringes", which comprises innovative, creative, scholarly and hybrid works that bravely traverse boundaries and conventions to carve out new creative ground.
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 30, 2019 AEST This (self-exegetical) essay concerns ‘collaborative audio literature’, a form of asynchronous collaborative practice that brings together music, sound design, and literary texts.
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2018 AEST This provocation outlines some key drivers in the area of climate change, marginalisation and vulnerability.
Scholarly articles
April 29, 2016 AEST This paper explores ways in which institutions reward reading efforts that value only the reading of books, thus marginalising readers and writers of other forms of text and of paratext.
Scholarly articles
April 29, 2005 AEST How marginal is poetry? To answer my question I must shift to the margins of poetics and you must be prepared to occupy the margins of poetry...