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In the last few decades, there has been little discussion of what might constitute an Australian fairy-tale tradition or practice, although there have been lauded attempts to create or continue them…

In the last few decades, there has been little discussion of what might constitute an Australian fairy-tale tradition or practice, although there have been lauded attempts to create or continue them…

Special issues: editorial
Introduction: The state of play in Australian fairy tale: Where to now?
Rebecca-Anne Do Rozario, Nike Sulway and Belinda Calderone
At the turn of the last century, writers like Atha Westbury and Hume Cook were asking whether Australia had its own fairies, its own fairy tale lore...
Special issues: creative works
Facets of Eleanor
Daniel Baker
Eleanor doesn’t know words like viridian, malachite, or celadon – she just knows green...
Retelling Rapunzel
Kate Forsyth
This article explores Australian author Kate Forsyth’s obsession with ‘Rapunzel’, from the time she first read the fairy tale as a child in hospital through to her doctoral research...
Special issues: creative works
Envoys to the empress
Louisa John-Krol
Long ago my pard sent for a flock of paper birds. They flew on origami wings, cheeping messages in turn...
Special Issues: scholarly article
Fated intervention: Gracing, musing and the wishing well
Louisa John-Krol
This essay explores the plurality, plasticity and fecundity of classical iconography, through interpretations of fairies, and avouches that fairy tales cannot do without them.