This edition includes new work by: Michael Sala on the the dangerous ambiguity of using one’s feet; Charlotte Guest on feminist literary revisionism; Paul Magee on the immediacy of poetic thought; Rachel Hennessy, Alex Cothron and Amy Matthews on creating new climate stories; Sreedhevi Iyer, David Carlin and Alvin Pang on the digital writers’ residency; John Vigna, Rose Micheal and Penni Russon on teaching during Covid; Owen Bullock on tanka intrigue; Oscar Davis and Patrick West on writing and intuition; and Susan E. Thomas on preparing female tutors for gender bias in the writing classroom. We also include new poetry and prose on writing and the writing process and a range of new book reviews.
- Scholarly articlesThis article focuses on how the introduction of a largely uninterrogated version of intuition into Practice-Led Research threatens its social justice value.
- Scholarly articlesThis article recommends storytelling and autoethnography as powerful qualitative methods for helping women process and document their own experiences of gender discrimination, and devise strategies for resilience and self-care.
- Scholarly articlesThis article is an international collaboration of three creative writing tutors detailing our responses and practices in shifting from in-class to online instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Scholarly articlesThis article introduces the term‚ Tanka intrigue, for examples of tanka that accentuate an element of mystery.