Special Issue 38 features papers from the ‘Enlightened: Narratives and Narrative Strategies to Awaken Applied and Creative Humanism’ Conference held in Noosa, Queensland, Australia, November 2016.
Special issues: editorial %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Special Issues: scholarly article %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
This paper proposes that tertiary writing education can benefit from the explicit study of writing therapy as a complex, evolving and contested set of theories and practices.
- Special Issues: scholarly articleThis article demonstrates how crime writers can create works that may fit the criteria for transformative therapy.
- Special Issues: scholarly articleFrom the perspective of humanism, this paper argues that the poetry found in Victim Impact Statements presents dual functions, both affective and rational.
- Special Issues: scholarly articleWhile self-reflexive narratives can be immensely healing for the writer, they also invite readers to reflect upon the issues and bring about a shift in their own thinking.
- Special Issues: scholarly articleWhile most memoirs on the topic of death and dying could be classified as illness memoirs, there are a surprising number focused on the life and work of the undertaker...
The narrative organisation of This Charming Man represents domestic violence in a way that prioritises healing, physically, mentally and emotionally...
Special Issues: scholarly article %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
The novel is a writerly text; the meaning needs to be unravelled by the reader and, due to this feature, it also makes for interesting reading about nursing...
Special Issues: scholarly article %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Storytelling can take on another layer of meaning when clinicians become more conscious of the stories they hear, recall these, and then re-tell them to their clients and carers...
- Special Issues: scholarly articleFirst person narratives drawing on experiences in mental health settings and services provide important insights into the lived experience of suffering, healing and recovery...
- Special Issues: scholarly articleThis article investigates blogging as useful in non-writing disciplines, e.g. nursing, where reflective practice has been identified as a framework to assist in developing professional maturation in difficult environments.
- Special Issues: scholarly articleIn examining the musical collaboration between a pianist and a choir, analysis of the narrative data provides a rich understanding of the unseen aspects of collaborative practice in music performance...
- Special Issues: scholarly articleDiary entries can reveal to the diarist and researcher alike the beginnings of a new self-narrative that is not yet fully imagined nor articulated...
- Special Issues: scholarly articleThis article demonstrates that theatrically performed narrative data can humanise an audience’s engagement and response to research data and encourage personal change.