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Articles by Bill Manhire, John Kinsella, Jeri Kroll, Nigel Krauth, Christopher Kelen, Antoni Jach, Kenneth Chan, Kevin Brophy, Donna Lee Brien, Catherine Padmore, Peter Wise, Inez Baranay

Articles by Bill Manhire, John Kinsella, Jeri Kroll, Nigel Krauth, Christopher Kelen, Antoni Jach, Kenneth Chan, Kevin Brophy, Donna Lee Brien, Catherine Padmore, Peter Wise, Inez Baranay

Tess Brady, Nigel Krauth
International Milestones
Scholarly articles
From Saga Seminar to Writers’ Workshop: Creative Writing at Victoria University of Wellington
Bill Manhire
This paper is based on a keynote address delivered on 23 November 2001 at the AAWP Conference, Writing Realities: The State of the Art, University of Canberra, Australia.
Many teachers who are writers feel they don't need to be taught how to teach. It is often assumed that a good writer will be a good teacher...
Scholarly articles
Writers As Teachers, Teachers As Writers: Creative Writing Programs in the US
Kenneth Chan
It has become possible for talented writers to begin their apprenticeship as undergraduates and progress through higher degrees to become teachers, to continue their writing yet never leave the campus.
Scholarly articles
The Prose Poem: A Short History, a Brief Reflection and a Dose of the Real Thing
Kevin Brophy
When I find myself inside a prose poem, I find that there there is, as in prose, narratives, even possible novels - but the narrative is never the point...