Teaching creative writing at home and abroad
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When I arrived on the Gold Coast for the Writing 2000 conference, I relaxed on the bed, up in my hotel room, and flicked on the telly...
- Scholarly articlesThis article refers to collaborative web writing projects the author designed during a residency with the trAce online writing community, Nottingham Trent University, UK, in 2000.
- Scholarly articlesWhy should we teach computer code and graphics, animation, digital video and sound software programs to creative writing students? Surely this is the domain of Design or Information Technology schools...
- Scholarly articlesIt's twelve months since I began my PhD project. I'm still just finding my way; I'm not really in any position to be acting as guide for anyone...
- Scholarly articlesCreative Writing has developed within the university as an institutional site at which writers can contribute to knowledge in the New Humanities.
Currently creative writing doctorates are hard to get anywhere in the world. But in Australia, creative writing programs view the doctorate as the ultimate academic writing award.
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This paper addresses student attitudes to reading, writing and other literary/cultural activities, and includes results of a survey carried out this year.
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In 1996, a collaboration between the University of Ballarat and the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat, successfully established a combined writing program from the TAFE and higher education sectors.
- Scholarly articlesThis paper provides examples of value-adding to online courses and discusses how text and tech are successfully reconciled in cyberspace.
- InterviewsThis virtual interview is extracted from email conversations and Michael Sternberg's publications as detailed in the references at the end of this article.