All Articles tagged Practice-led research
Scholarly articles
April 30, 2024 AEST This article extends a Deleuzian account of perspective and organisation through dance, applying methods of movement to creative writing practice to offer an intervention in eating disorder life writing.
Scholarly articles
August 20, 2022 AEST In this article, the author illustrates the value of a historical narrative that provides readers with a lived experience based on carefully researched fiction.
Special Issues: scholarly article
June 30, 2022 AEST This article discusses the use of the novel’s bio-tales as a narrative device in relation to the goals of both historical biofiction and historiographic metafiction.
Scholarly articles
April 30, 2022 AEST This article focuses on how the introduction of a largely uninterrogated version of intuition into Practice-Led Research threatens its social justice value.
Scholarly articles
October 31, 2021 AEST This article considers the benefits and drawbacks of bricolage in the twenty-first century as a research methodology in creative writing.
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2021 AEST As part of my early PhD research I began, in a fairly intuitive way, writing poetry in response to other texts...
Scholarly articles
October 31, 2020 AEST This paper reflects on its authors’ experience of a writerly collaborative partnership that grew out of a mutual interest in prose poetry and creative practice.
Scholarly articles
October 31, 2020 AEST This paper traces intersecting lines of thought as a way to explore the processual nature of research; the space of, and value in thinking prepositionally; and the syntax of creativity.
Scholarly articles
April 30, 2020 AEST This article argues for the ongoing value of degrees like the PhDPriorPubs in pollinating ‘PhD of the Future’ debates.
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2018 AEST This paper explores the creative development of The Centre, an emerging play that reimagines Ancient Greek tragic characters as modern-day asylum seekers detained in an offshore detention centre.
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2018 AEST While practice-led research has a relatively recent history in Australian universities, increasing numbers of academics hold doctoral level degrees with a creative practice component...
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2017 AEST The number of candidates undertaking research higher degrees in the creative arts has continued to grow, yet the anxiety associated with the exegesis, or critical component, has not dissipated.
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2016 AEST This article describes how personal experience of death prompted the writing of a novel and how the practice of writing about death led to critical inquiry into theories of death.
Scholarly articles
October 29, 2014 AEST Practice-led research has rapidly expanded in the Australian university system. This paper examines the potential exegetical benefits of one methodology, the case study, for one disciplinary area, Performance as Research.
Scholarly articles
April 29, 2014 AEST This paper explores how I combine creative expression with autoethnography and feminist theory to fulfil my PhD project objectives. My television drama series examines sexism, gender roles and gender-assigned occupations.
Scholarly articles
April 29, 2013 AEST This paper, based on a creative writing PhD project, describes how the author’s engagement with oral history theory and practice enriched the design of the novel emerging from the thesis.
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2012 AEST Practice-led research is inherently interdisciplinary, with practitioners engaging with a range of knowledges and methods through processes of selection, integration and synthesis...
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2012 AEST Originally composed for postgraduate supervision, these six rules are presented in the context of a wider analysis of practice-led research and its current conditions of possibility as a research method.
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2012 AEST This article examines some limitations to existing models of practice-led research through a discussion of the development of a research methods subject in a postgraduate course in community-based arts practice.
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2012 AEST This paper proposes a practice-oriented approach in which the production of knowledge in art research would be conducted in a transdisciplinary alliance with psychoanalysis.
Special issues: editorial
October 31, 2012 AEST The purposes of this issue were broad; we were open to contributions that problematised practice-led research in the spirit of critical clarification and renewal...
Special issues: editorial
October 31, 2012 AEST The intention of this introduction is to offer a set of long-range lenses to take to the 12 interventions – Beyond practice-led research – collected in this special issue...
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2010 AEST This paper explores principles of contemporary aesthetics to suggest a basis for determining qualitative outcomes of artistic works in two contexts: the arts industry and practice-led research in the academy.
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2010 AEST In an attempt to move debate beyond advocatory accounts of practice-led research, this paper asks whether craft-based research is sufficient as a research paradigm for creative arts disciplines.
Special issues: editorial
October 31, 2010 AEST The inaugural Creative and Practice-Led Research Symposium took stock of where we are at in terms of creative practice in the academy, and where we need to go.
Scholarly articles
April 29, 2010 AEST This paper focuses on creative writing for simplicity and considers how we might write across and beyond boundaries between genres, between disciplines and between audiences.
Special Issues: scholarly article
October 31, 2009 AEST Multitasking supervisor-trainers who oversee the hybrid creative writing thesis have to be as informed and proactive as those guiding the careers of elite athletes...
Scholarly articles
October 30, 2009 AEST In this paper I consider some issues that I, as a creative writer and academic, find with the concept and current understandings of the term creative industries.
Scholarly articles
April 29, 2005 AEST This paper outlines and evaluates the creation of a hybrid postmodernist method, using a rhizomic research structure to combine various research strategies within an interactive space of creative writing praxis.